Global Wealth Management Study 2014-2015

The most recent in a growing body of wealth insights by Booz & Company looks at the prospects for the global wealth management industry in 2014/15. According to the study, assets under management have seen a significant upswing around the world but these gains have not translated into the top-and-bottom-line growth that wealth managers would [...]

Global Wealth Management Study 2014-20152017-01-23T17:58:53+01:00

smart sensors & big data

The arpanet, or in more contemporary words, internet slash world wide web has always been about security. This was the case in the 80´ies, and it is more than ever so today. Many do still remember that landmark movie “hackers” where a little kid saved the world from an atomic third world war. Simply by [...]

smart sensors & big data2017-01-23T17:58:54+01:00
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