Our new book “Fit For Growth” is out! Check it out. As a sequel to our fundamental approach to strategy – as descriped in Capabilities-driven Strategy (CDS) and Strategy That Works – “Fit For Growth” explores the fact, that the most successful and strategically coherent companies in the world don’t look at cost like a drain on the P&L, but always as an investment in the future. Ideally, with a focus on building the critical 5-6 capabilities, or then at least paying the table stakes or keeping “lights on”. If these investments go into non-differentiating capabilities, cut cost to grow stronger. That’s what successful companies do.
And: like in keeping personally fit, it’s never a one-off exercise. If you don’t train for 2 years, and then hit the gym to do a 4-hour session with maximum weights, chances are high your body, your system won’t like it. It’s the same with cost cutting and restructuring. It’s an ongoing journey: hit the gym several times a week, but training at a reasonable level. That’s what successful companies do as well.
Here is the link to the microsite to download and read the first chapter for free: